Haven’t written a post in a while, nobody reads this anyway but this is going to be a post I’ll check back on, on January 1st 2023 at the latest. Things have changed since the last post, and I’m doing fine financially since my Redbubble ban. Current stats: Without going into specific details for incomeContinue reading “The absolute state of my finances – July 2022”
Category Archives: Blog
One year after my Redbubble Ban
Around this time last year, I was banned from Redbubble. You can take a look at the post I wrote here about it all. It took me about two weeks to emotionally get over the fact that all that money I was making for no effort was gone, and even after, even now, I stillContinue reading “One year after my Redbubble Ban”
What Passive Income is to me now
What a year, with no updates to boot. Standard. So what’s been happening since my last post? Passive income took a dive for me after the Redbubble fiasco of 2020 but I’m clawing my way back up through other means. Looking at it now that’s probably my biggest financial blunder, but a few years agoContinue reading “What Passive Income is to me now”
2020: Lessons Learned
2020 contained, without a doubt, both some of my highest and lowest points in passive income. I was passively earning the most I have ever earned from Redbubble (Over £1500/Month) and I started up a number of new streams, new TeePublic shops, Merch by Amazon, it’s all on the up. That was until I gotContinue reading “2020: Lessons Learned”
October 2020 Passive Income
October was my worst month ever for passive income. Not at all for the amount I made, but definitely for the mistakes I made. If you’ve read this post, you’ll see that my Redbubble account was suspended on October 9th. I still got the payments up to then, and also my other, side accounts onContinue reading “October 2020 Passive Income”
Post-Redbubble Passive Income – Lessons learned
I don’t know when I first developed the mentality for passive income, but once I got that taste, I realised it was for me. Following on from my previous post, I think now would be a great time to summarise everything that I’ve done so far regarding passive income, as well as what I intendContinue reading “Post-Redbubble Passive Income – Lessons learned”
The Bubble has burst – Account suspended from Redbubble
“Account looks kinda sus”, I did not say to myself as I tried to login to my Redbubble account a few days ago. My stomach dropped when I saw the message. I initially thought it was just an error and I’d be back on my feet in a few days, but it’s now five daysContinue reading “The Bubble has burst – Account suspended from Redbubble”
Is Redbubble going to burst?
Now that I’ve set up a nice little earner on Redbubble, the worry is starting to set in. How long is this going to last? Certainly not forever. Truly this is the curse of ownership; now that something is valuable, you want to protect it. Redbubble has been going for 14 years now, since 2006,Continue reading “Is Redbubble going to burst?”
£1000 a month, passively.
I reached the £1000 a month mark much sooner than I anticipated; 6 months too soon to be exact; June 2020 instead of December 2020! As of right now, Redbubble is my main source of income! Looking to the future, this might not be the case, but I consider it a personal success! It’s somethingContinue reading “£1000 a month, passively.”
Productivity and Motivation for Print on Demand
I recently made a big decision (recently, as in five minutes ago). I turned down a job offer to pursue print on demand, and passive income on a self employed basis. This may be the worst time to do it, what with the economy in an iffy state, but after weighing everything up, I decidedContinue reading “Productivity and Motivation for Print on Demand”