It’s time for another post about tips to improve your existing Redbubble store. Your Redbubble store should be treated as an organism; it’s always growing and changing and hopefully getting better!
As soon as I find enough tips that I personally use to improve my store, I’ll write a post about them on Jeezpod.
There are so many sites that have such basic tips, ones you’ll see everywhere. “Add tags, share on social media”, for example. I want to write Redbubble tips which are actionable. You should be able to look at each tip and be able to put it into action for your own store.
Set proper sticker margins for your Redbubble store
One of the most basic tips you’ll see for Redbubble is to set your stickers to a 100% margin. This can be great, and has worked for me in the past, however you should consider the long term aims of your store.
Are you aiming to sell stickers? If so, by all means jam the prices up as high as you can. If not, you can use lower priced stickers to tempt people in. The effects are threefold;
- Someone may buy a cheap sticker, a sale you might not have gotten anyway
- Sales from cheap stickers (may) increase your search rankings in Redbubble search for your other products
- People may be willing to buy more cheaper stickers from you, as opposed to one expensive one.
I’ve started to treat stickers as my shop window; something to lure people in to make bigger purchases. I’m not 100% sure if a sticker sale may boost a shirt ranking, but it is likely that it would.
You don’t need to worry about stock when it comes to POD, so for you, two sales of 50p is equivalent to one sale of £1. It may be easier to get two smaller sales than one larger sale.
I have noticed the difference since lowering my sticker margins. I am generally making more sales and more money, at a smaller cut per sale.
Group your designs
It can be helpful to design in ‘sets’. So make stickers that are a pair, or part of a set of three or four. If the design is good, it may mean an extra sale.
This can be great for areas like Husband and Wife designs, relationships, hobbies, band members, etc. Anything where a group is involved.
I have a few designs that are part of a set and they regularly sell together. In fact I’ll rarely make a single sale in one go, it’ll be two or more.
Adding these to the same collection will further boost their exposure when a customer is looking to purchase.
Use Pinterest if you aren’t already
I now pin all of my uploads, at this stage it’s silly not to. As well as likely influencing SEO, lots and lots of people use Pinterest to save things they like. Pinterest and Redbubble share similar audiences (people with money to burn who like luxury items).
I have a lot of designs which go well together, so I usually pin my collections together on Pinterest. The Pinterest Save button addon for Chrome is a massive time saver, but be sure to go back to Pinterest and tag and describe your work correctly.
Upload more stuff!
I have said this before but I really feel the need to reiterate this point; you always need to upload more. If you have 10, 20, 50, 100 products you’ll likely not see many sales unless your designs hit a niche.
Despite what people say about art, Redbubble is a numbers game. I have seen so much success by just adding more products. If there is ever a key lesson to understand about Redbubble, it’s this;
Not earning enough? Upload more products. Boom.
So long as you try different things, you’ll eventually hit on a niche that you can exploit! I’m seeing a lot of people complaining they aren’t making sales, and then you find out they haven’t even got 100 products up!
These things, they take time, so what you upload now might gain traction in months, or even year.s It’s best to start now!
Keep optimising your products!
Optimus Prime. Optimising. Heh, anyway; Click here to go to your ‘Sales By work’ page on Redbubble. Open the top product and check that EVERY product is enabled for it (if it looks good).
Work your way down the list, optimising your best selling products first. Redbubble is always adding new stuff (most recently pin badges and Face masks), so make sure your best selling designs are available on as many products as possible.
Use this as inspiration too. Are there any spin-offs of your top selling designs? Any trends you notice that you can further exploit?
Once a month or so I go through my designs to check for errors; misspellings, and add any new tags I can think of. You may be able to keep older designs up to date simply by adding a few relevant tags!
Make designs you would actually buy
While uploading more is great, you shouldn’t upload numbers just for the sake of adding more to your portfolio. Create stuff you would actually buy. Nobody is going to buy a recycled text deicing with a slight change.
Redbubble is not effort-free; you need to actually put some work in if you want this to pay off. Creating designs you would actually buy is a good start
In Summary
Hard to summarise what is essentially a summary post anyway, but in the words of Dan Le Sac; Get Better. That’s all you have to remember; apathy is death!
You can see the previous posts specifically about improving your existing Redbubble stores here and here, but lets get into it!
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