Haven’t written a post in a while, nobody reads this anyway but this is going to be a post I’ll check back on, on January 1st 2023 at the latest. Things have changed since the last post, and I’m doing fine financially since my Redbubble ban.
Current stats:
Without going into specific details for income streams (these have been elaborated on in previous posts)
- Employed(3 days a week): £28500 / 1750~ Month
- Side income from the dating app job: £200~ month
- Other income streams: £100~ Month
- Total Income estimate (Month): £2200~
Savings and investments:
- Premium bonds; £18000
- Investments: £6600
- Bank Balance: £1200~
- Total liquid assets: £25500~
- Mortgage: £61000 remaining (Property was £107500) (1.61% i) coming to just under £400/month
- General outgoings (Bills etc) of about £250 / month

I’ve been gradually increasing my finances. The thin blue line is just an average predictor, meaning I should get to £30,000 liquid by Jan 1st 2023. Obviously I’d hope sooner.
Short term goals:
- £30k in savings
- £20k of that in premium bonds
- Investigate more income streams
- Get paid more for my actual job
- Release the game I am working on
Long term goals
- Buy to let property (Move out and keep house)
Not very exciting goals at all to be honest. I had a chat with a financial advisor a few weeks ago which put this into perspective; I have no real long term goals, I suppose I’m a bit devoid of personality.
Short term goals are classed as ‘this year’ for me. I’m working on developing a game which will be out in September / October (on Steam!) but I’m not expecting any money from it.
I’m in a cushty position where I only work 3.5 days a week now for full pay, so I’m not looking to change jobs, but I’d like some more passive income streams. Gone are the golden months of Redbubble and POD, but not just for me, I’ve been hearing that sales are down for many.
£20k in premium bonds is an achievable vanity goal for me, maybe i can push it to £25k.
£30k in savings feels doable. I am consistently beating my own savings targets. Please enjoy a needlessly detailed form:

On average I am saving £850 a month, and I have a goal of £750.
It’s fine really. Numbers go up. Investments recovering. I just think if I had a better paying full time job, I’d be capable of much more.
Will check back in a few months,
Hi, do u still have the others POD accounts, and does it actually works on 2023(when you see this) i have find very interesting your posts and would love to know what would you do now, for a starter, get a job or work on POD, please keep this website up, i have seen it very inspiring